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Version 3.00
(C)1985, 1986, 1987 Karl Brendel
Qfonedit, a copyrighted product, is a trademark of Karl
Brendel. License to use Qfonedit is granted without charge,
subject to the restrictions listed below. License to copy and
distribute Qfonedit and its documentation is also granted
without charge, subject to the same restrictions.
To register Qfonedit, or to inquire about marketing, site
licensing, or any other matters regarding Qfonedit, please
Karl Brendel
718 East B Avenue
Hutchinson, KS 67501
The restrictions:
1. Copies of Qfonedit must contain this license information,
the copyright and trademark notices, and the warranty
disclaimers in full.
2. Copies of Qfonedit may not be sold without the written
permission of the author. However, except for the "enhanced"
version of Qfonedit, users' groups and bona fide not-for-
profit organizations may distribute Qfonedit and charge a
nominal amount (not to exceed $10) for materials, shipping and
handling, without written permission. (Only Karl Brendel may
distribute the enhanced version.) Such distribution must
include a statement that fees collected by the distributor are
not paid to Karl Brendel, are not in lieu of registration, and
do not grant license beyond that specified in this manual.
(Satisfying restriction 1 satisfies this restriction as well.)
3. Commercial users of Qfonedit must register and pay for
their copies of Qfonedit within 30 days of first use or their
license is withdrawn.
4. Users of Qfonedit must accept this disclaimer of
warranty: "Qfonedit is supplied as-is. The author disclaims
all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without
limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness
for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages,
direct or consequential, which may result from the use of
Qmodem is a trademark of John Friel III and the Forbin
Project. Turbo Pascal is the trademark of Borland
International. WordStar is the trademark of MicroPro. MS-DOS
is the trademark of MicroSoft Corporation; the term "DOS" used
here may refer to MS-DOS or to IBM's Disk Operating System.
DESQview is the trademark of Quarterdeck Office System.
TopView is the trademark of IBM.
Qfonedit 3.00
Table of Contents
1. Qfonedit: What It Does ............................... 1
2. Starting Qfonedit ..................................... 1
3. Qfonedit Keys ......................................... 2
4. Qfonedit Prompts ...................................... 3
5. Stopping Qfonedit ..................................... 4
6. The Main Menu ......................................... 4
7. The Editor ............................................ 5
8. Marking Blocks in the Editor .......................... 6
9. Other Routines ........................................ 6
10. Configuring Qfonedit .................................. 9
11. Registration and Support of Qfonedit ................. 10
12. My Thanks to ......................................... 12
Appendix A: WordStar/Turbo Keys in Qfonedit ............. 13
Appendix B: Block Specifications ........................ 14
Appendix C: TopView and DESQview ........................ 15
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 1
1. Qfonedit: What It Does
Qfonedit is designed to be your all-purpose Qmodem directory
maintenance utility.
You may not need Qfonedit. If your entire dialing directory
fits on one display page, you can probably maintain it more
easily within Qmodem--but if that isn't the case, you should
take Qfonedit now! The first few uses will show you that you
needed it.
Qfonedit operates on your fon file (the term used here for
your Qmodem directory file, which may be named QMODEM.FON or
anything else) to allow you to view all entries, sort them in
several fashions, rearrange, insert or delete them quickly in
arbitrary ways, reset the default parameters en masse, insert
blank lines, print the directory to disk, delete your
passwords, search for names, or edit the entries a full page
at a time.
Qfonedit allows you to configure several of its features,
including varying or eliminating its sound effects and
choosing whether to work from a menu. At your option, Qfonedit
will read communication parameters and screen colors from
Qmodem, or allow you to set them directly.
The enhanced version of Qfonedit (available to registered
users at no additional charge) is able to save configuration
information in a file for restoration of your configuration
choices whenever it runs. It also features on-line help for
most functions.
Qfonedit can find your fon file down any path which you
have provided in configuring it, and will prompt for a new
path if its search fails. Floppy disk users will be pleased to
realize that they do not have to keep the Qmodem files and the
Qfonedit files all on one disk.
Qfonedit requires an IBM PC or close compatible, with DOS 2.0
or later, and at least 170k of available RAM.
2. Starting Qfonedit
Place the files QFONEDIT.COM, QFONEDIT.000 and QFONEDIT.001
(and QFONEDIT.HLP and QFONEDIT.CNF, if you are using the
enhanced version) all in the same subdirectory. Make that disk
the logged disk and that subdirectory the current directory.
From the DOS prompt, simply command QFONEDIT. Example:
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 2
You may also start QFONEDIT and give it the name of your fon
file, including drive and path if not the logged drive and
current directory. (If you do this, you must provide the file
name, even if it is QMODEM.FON.) Example:
In order to function, Qfonedit must be able to find the fon
file and the overlay files QFONEDIT.000 and QFONEDIT.001. If
unable to do so, Qfonedit will halt with an error message.
If the enhanced version of Qfonedit is able to find the file
QFONEDIT.CNF, it will check to see if a special path to the
phone directory has been configured. If so, and a file name
was not entered as shown in the example above, Qfonedit will
look at the end of that path for the file QMODEM.FON. If
unable to find QMODEM.FON there, Qfonedit will look in the
current directory on the logged drive. If unable to find
QMODEM.FON, Qfonedit will halt with an error message.
If enhanced Qfonedit does find the file QFONEDIT.CNF, it will
use the values in that file to set screen colors, sound
effects, default communication parameters, etc. If unable to
find the configuration file, enhanced Qfonedit will attempt to
create a new one with its standard default values. If unable
to create the new configuration file, enhanced Qfonedit will
give you a chance to attempt the save again or to continue
without it.
As Qfonedit goes thru its start-up procedure, it will display
its progress in a status window. It will pause briefly to
"allow" you to read the license information. Pressing any key
will cut the pause short. Starting Qfonedit with /f on the
command line will eliminate the pause:
After the pause, Qfonedit will display the Main Menu and the
Editor screen and await further command.
3. Qfonedit Keys
Thruout this manual, Ctrl will be used to indicate the
"control key", likely marked Ctrl on your keyboard. A term
such as "CtrlX" will mean "holding down the control key while
pressing the X key". Likewise, Alt will mean the "alternate
shift key", probably marked Alt on your keyboard, and "AltX"
will mean "holding down the alternate shift key while pressing
the X key". FX will mean the function key numbered X; eg, F1
is the function key number 1.
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 3
Qfonedit makes consistent use of keys everywhere except in the
Editor and the configuration routines. The Editor's use of
keys is described in the section on the Editor. The use of
keys in the configuration routines follows the lead of the
Qmodem program QINSTALL.COM.
Qfonedit command keys are "hot": when you press them, an action
occurs without the need to press Enter.
If you press a key that has no meaning to Qfonedit in its then-
current context, the computer will beep; otherwise, you will
hear a click. You may think of the beep as an error signal,
and the click as a success signal. (Beeps and clicks can be
changed or turned off in the configuration routines.)
Qfonedit is never sensitive to letter case. Pressing "C" will
have the same result as pressing "c".
Qfonedit is not case sensitive. Pressing "C" will has the same
effect as pressing "c".
Pressing Esc (the Escape key) may return you to the previous
menu, or from the Main Menu to the Editor. Esc is active in
most instances when Qfonedit is awaiting input.
The PgDn and PgUp keys will display the other pages just as
they do in Qmodem.
Pressing O (AltO in the Editor), when both a menu and a page
of the fon file are displayed, will toggle contents of the fon
file display, just as it does in Qmodem. In the same
situations, pressing U (AltU in the Editor) will "undo"
previous actions.
When editing, whether in the Editor or when providing input
such as file names, paths, etc., Qfonedit recognizes many of
the Ctrl key combinations used in WordStar and in the Turbo
Pascal editor. The use of such key combinations is
summarized in an appendix.
In the enhanced, registered version of Qfonedit, on-line help
is generally accessible by pressing the F1 key.
4. Qfonedit Prompts
When Qfonedit prompts for a yes or no response, press the Y or
N key, or the Enter key. Usually a default response will be
displayed at the cursor--the default is accepted with the
Enter key. (At many prompts, pressing Esc will exit from the
prompt and return to a previous menu.) A common use of the
yes/no prompt is the "Go? Y" prompt, which precedes execution
of commands which will alter the fon file. Pressing Y or Enter
will cause the command to execute; pressing N will prevent it.
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 4
The Go prompt may be turned off in configuration. If Go is
turned off, all Qmodem commands which would prompt "Go Y?"
will execute without it.
When Qfonedit prompts for a line or page number, no default
value is available for the initial prompt. If there is a
second prompt, as for a second line number, the response to
the first prompt is used as a default value. (Again, pressing
Esc will usually exit from the prompt and return to a previous
When Qfonedit prompts for a string input, such as a file name
or a search string, a default value may be displayed. If so,
that value may be accepted by pressing Enter, or the value may
be edited or replaced entirely. The editing process is similar
to that of the Qmodem file allocation windows, except that a
larger set of editing keys--such as the cursor keys--is
available than in Qmodem.
5. Stopping Qfonedit
From the Main Menu, pressing Q will stop Qfonedit and return to
DOS. You will be prompted to insure that you do wish to exit
Qfonedit. (This prompt may be turned off in configuration.)
If you made changes to the fon file, you will be prompted to
save it. If you save the fon file, you will be prompted to save
the old file with the extension .BAQ. If you choose to save
the old file, and a .BAQ file already exists, you will be
prompted whether to save it with the extension .OLD.
During configuration, you may specify which save prompts you
wish to be given and which actions you wish to take without
6. The Main Menu
The Main Menu shows a list of Qfonedit commands and the key
which must be pressed to activate each command. Upon pressing
a valid command key, the indicated routine will run. Upon
completing the routine, control will return to the Main Menu,
unless Qfonedit has been configured to operate from the
Operating from the Editor allows the experienced user to
bypass the Main Menu, both when calling and when returning
from a routine. All commands which may be given from the Main
Menu may be given from the Editor by holding down the Alt key
while pressing the key which would be used in the Main Menu.
For example, when in the Main Menu, pressing S calls the Sort
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 5
routine. When in the Editor, pressing AltS calls the Sort
routine. At the end of the routine, control transfers to the
Main Menu, unless the choice is made in configuration to
return to the Editor instead.
The routines available from the Main Menu are all discussed in
one later section, except for the Editor, which is discussed
in the next section.
7. The Editor
When in the Editor, the lower portion of the screen will
contain either a brief reminder of keys used in editing, or a
list of the Alt keys used to invoke other routines. (See "The
Main Menu" for a discussion of Alt keys in the Editor.) Which
display is shown depends on whether Qfonedit is configured to
return to the Editor or to the Main Menu.
PgUp and PgDn will change the displayed page. The cursor row
and column will be preserved from page to page, and while
executing other routines. (The exception is the Locate
routine, which may change page, row, and column.) AltO will
toggle the display of alternate information in the right-hand
columns. AltU will attempt Undo. F1 or Esc will pop up the
Main Menu.
The cursor may be moved all over the displayed page with the
normal IBM-type cursor keys, the Enter key, tab, shift-tab,
Home and End. In some of the displayed fields, editing can use
the Del, Ins, CtrlEnd (erase to the end of the field) and
backspace keys.
The normal cursor mode for editing is "overwrite"--the
character you type will replace that previously at the same
location. In some fields, Ins will toggle between overwrite
and insert modes. When in insert mode, the cursor will be
thicker, to remind you of the mode. The mode will return to
overwrite when the cursor passes the end of the field, or a
cursor control key or PgUp or PgDn changes the cursor
The Editor will refuse to accept key input which it recognizes
as meaningless to Qmodem or to DOS. For example, you cannot
use the Editor to specify communication parameters of 8-E-3.
You can do something such as make total connects be "12 34",
but after you save the fon file, you will find that the total
connects are "1234", without the internal space. (Not all
errors are caught in the Editor. Some are trapped in fon file
file processing when the file is saved.)
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 6
8. Marking Blocks in the Editor
While in the Editor, blocks of lines may be "marked". Other
Qfonedit routines can operate on marked blocks without having
to be given page or line numbers to describe them. (Eg.: In
the Clear routine, choosing to clear by Lines leads to two
prompts for line numbers. If those lines were the top and
bottom of a marked block, the choice to clear Marked would
eliminate the need for those prompts.) The next section covers
the way in which each routine uses marked blocks.
To mark a block, use PgUp, PgDn and the cursor control keys to
put the cursor on the first line of the block. Press F3. Move
the cursor to the last line of the block. Press F4. To mark
the cursor line, press F6.
A marked line appears in a color which should contrast with
unmarked lines. (The color of marked lines may be chosen in
Only one block may be marked at a time. The cursor line,
however, may be marked separately, whether it is contained
within a marked block or not. The cursor line is marked by
changing the color of only the line number. If the cursor is
within a marked block, the line number takes on the normal,
unmarked color, to set it off from the marked lines around it.
To turn off the marking, so that all lines are displayed in
the unmarked color, press F5. If lines have been marked, but
the marking has been turned off, it may be turned on by again
pressing F5 .
When marking is turned off, the other Qfonedit routines will
not be able to use the marked block feature.
9. Other Routines
The Main Menu resembles:
C - Clear P - Print
D - Defaults Q - Quit
E - Edit R - Register
F - conFig S - Sort
I - Insert T - Tidyup
L - Locate U - Undo
M - Move W - passWord
N - New .fon X - eXchange
O - Other info
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 7
(Thruout this manual, the = character denotes the top or
bottom of a picture of the screen.)
"Clear" sets a block to "empty line" values: default values
for Speed, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, Protocol and Echo,
spaces everywhere else. Clear operates from one line thru
another, or from one page thru another, or from the start thru
the end of a marked block.
"Defaults" sets certain fields in a block to default values:
Speed, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, Protocol and Echo. You
may choose whether to act on all lines in the block, or only
"empty lines" (those having all blanks in Name and Number
fields). You may also choose to act only on the Speed field,
and leave the others alone. Defaults operates on the entire
fon file, or from one line thru another, or from one page thru
another, or from the start thru the end of a marked block.
"conFigure" allows you to specify many of Qfonedit's operating
features. It is discussed more fully in the next section.
"Insert" blanks lines in front of a target line (the
cursor line, if it is marked). What is actually done is that
empty lines from further into the fon file (lines with higher
numbers) are moved to the target position, and other lines are
moved "up" into their places. If there are not enough empty
lines available to accomplish the insert, you will be
"Locate" searches the Name field in a block for a match to
an input string. The search is insensitive to case (SMITH is
the same as Smith). Trailing blanks are discarded, but leading
ones are not (" Smith " matches " SMITH" but not "SMITH "). If
a match is found, the page on which it occurs is displayed and
the line on which it occurs is marked as the cursor line. If a
return is made to the Editor without otherwise changing the
display, the Editor's cursor will be in the first column on
the marked line. Subsequent matches may be attempted on the
same block and string with the Next command. Locate searches
the entire file, or from one line thru another, or from one
page thru another, or from the start thru the end of a marked
"Move" moves a block from one location to another in front
of (with lower line numbers than) a target. If the target is
the last line or last page of the fon file, the option is
given to make the chosen lines be the last in the file. Move
moves from one line thru another to in front of a target line,
or from one page thru another to in front of a target page, or
from the start thru the end of a marked block to in front of
the marked cursor line.
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 8
"New" loads a different fon file. If changes have been
made in the current file, the configured prompts will be given
for saving it. This is an easy, if ungraceful, way to save the
current fon file, at the expense of reading it back in after
the save.
"Print" "prints" a block to a disk file. You may choose to
print all lines, or only non-empty lines. The current display
will determine the contents of the print file: if Number,
etc., are displayed, they will be in the print file;
otherwise, Password, etc. will be. If the range is defined by
Page, then headers will be included ahead of every page in the
print file; otherwise, only one header will be provided for
the entire file. The print file may be edited with any text
editor or word processor which can read a "plain ASCII" or
"text" file, or it may be printed from the DOS command line
with a command such as:
(Of course, your printer must be ready to print when you issue
that command.) Print operates on the entire fon file as one
block, or the entire fon file page by page, or from one line
thru another, or from one page thru another, or from the start
thru the end of a marked block.
"Quit" terminates Qfonedit, making any configured prompts for
quitting and file saving.
"Register" displays Qfonedit licensing and registration
information, and offers to print a form for registering and
for ordering the enhanced version.
"Sort" sorts a block on the Name field, the Number field or
numeric subfields, the Speed field, the Last Connect field,
and the Total Calls field, or any combination of those fields,
in any mixture of ascending and descending order. The sort is
insensitive to case, just as the Locate search is. Search
operates on the entire fon file as one block, or the entire
fon file page by page, or from one line thru another, or from
one page thru another, or from the start thru the end of a
marked block.
"Tidyup" packs the entries in a block into its low-numbered
lines. The rest of the block will be filled out by empty
lines. Tidyup operates on the entire fon file as one block, or
the entire fon file page by page, or from one line thru
another, or from one page thru another, or from the start thru
the end of a marked block.
"Undo" returns the fon file to the more recent of two states:
the state at initial loading of the file, or at entry into the
last routine which modified the fon file. (See below.) Only
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 9
one level of Undo is provided. An attempt to Undo a second
level will cause display of an error message.
"passWord" clears the password field in a block. (This is
handy if you wish to give away a copy of your fon file without
compromising your passwords.) Password operates the entire
file, or from one line thru another, or from one page thru
another, or from the start thru the end of a marked block.
"eXchange" trades the location of one block and another. (If
the two blocks overlap, only portions of the blocks will
actually be moved, and no lines will be lost.) Exchange
trades the location of one line and another, or one page and
another, or by "range": An example of an exchange by range is
"eXchange 5 lines starting at line 11 with those starting at
line 21." Exchange also operates on a marked block as a range:
from the start thru the end of a marked block are exchanged
with the same number of lines starting at the marked cursor
10. Configuring Qfonedit
Choosing F (for conFig) from the Main Menu brings up the
Configuration Menu.
The Configuration Menu resembles:
Configuration for Qfonedit(tm) v3.0
1) Screen and menu colors
2) Communication parameters
3) Path definition
4) Prompts
5) Sounds
6) Miscellaneous Options
S) Save configuration and return to Qfonedit
X) Return to Qfonedit without saving configuration
Option >
Indicate your selection by pressing the number or letter shown
to the left of the description.
Configuration Menu choices are:
1) Screen and menu colors: Select foreground, back-
ground and border colors just as they are selected in
QINSTALL. As an option, Qfonedit can attempt to read
the screen and menu colors from the file QMODEM.CNF.
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 10
2) Communication parameters: Select default speed,
parity, data bits, stop bits, protocol and echo. The
selected settings will be used whenever you command
Clear or Defaults from the Main Menu. Here, also,
Qfonedit can attempt to read the parameters from the
3) Path definition: Specify a drive and path down
which Qfonedit should look for the fon file. (If you
enter a path and filename on the DOS command line,
that will be checked first.) (Path definition is
useful only with enhanced Qfonedit.
4) Prompts: Specify which prompts will be given when
leaving Qfonedit and saving the fon file, and/or which
actions will be taken without prompting.
5) Sounds: Specify whether Beeps and Clicks (key-
clicks) are turned on or off. Select the length and
pitch of the Beeps and Clicks and hear a sample of
the selection. (When pressing F2 or F4 to hear the
sample, you may first hear a Click--if Clicks are
turned on. After a brief pause, the selected Beep or
Click will be demonstrated.)
6) Miscellaneous Options: Specify whether routines
return to the Main Menu or to the Editor. Specify
whether Qfonedit should check and wait for a video
retrace signal (preventing visual "snow" on IBM color
graphics adapters and clones) or do screen display
without awaiting the retrace (vastly speeding up
S) Save configuration and return to Qfonedit: The
enhanced version of Qfonedit can save configuration
information in the file QFONEDIT.CNF and restore that
configuration whenever Qfonedit is run.
X) Return to Qfonedit without saving configuration
Note that changes in configuration are effective immediately.
The new configuration will not be saved on disk unless you
have the enhanced version and choose S). Changes in
communication parameters will not be apparent in your phone
directory unless you choose Defaults and/or Clear from the
Main Menu.
11. Registration and Support of Qfonedit
You are probably familiar with the arguments in favor of user-
supported software: It allows you to try before you buy,
encourage creative programming, avoid paying the costs
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 11
associated with commercial marketing, even use a program
legally without ever compensating the author. (You wouldn't do
that, would you?)
If you have not paid for Qmodem, please do that now.
After you have paid for Qmodem, if you find Qfonedit to be
useful or interesting enough, please pay $10.00 for it. You
will earn my appreciation, as well as having the feeling that
you have furthered the development of affordable software.
(Please note: If you paid anybody but me anything for this
program, I did not get any of the money.)
When paying, please choose Register from the Main Menu or
Editor, and let Qfonedit print out a registration form for
you. The form will provide enough information for me to let
you know about future major releases, and satisfy my lawyer
that I'm not giving away the store just because I distribute
on bulletin boards, etc.
As this manual has mentioned several times, an enhanced
version of Qfonedit is available to registered users. Your
copy of the enhanced version may be had with no additional
charge if you will send me a 5.25" diskette. If you wish, you
may send additional money rather than a diskette. If you
provide the diskette, please format it, use a reusable mailer,
and include an addressed label and return postage. If you
prefer for me to provide the diskette, mailer, etc., please
send $5.
Whether you pay or not, please pass this package along to
anyone else who has a use or desire for it.
Payments and hard-copy messages may be sent to:
Karl Brendel
718 East B Avenue
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Questions, bug reports, anything suitable for modem
communication, are most likely to reach me at these bulletin
Fargo RBBS 701 293 5973
Twin Cities PCBoard 612 824 8167
Atlantic Palisades Magpie 718 238 7855
Tamiami BBS (PCBoard) 813 793 2392
Sleepy Hollow PCBoard 213 859 9334
Software Society PCBoard 201 729 7410
You may also contact me on CompuServe (ID 73307,3101). I try
to call the listed bulletin boards on a weekly basis, and
CompuServe twice a week. Additionally, I support Qfonedit by
voice phone when that is really needed.
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 12
12. My Thanks to...
John Friel III, author of Qmodem
Dave Baldwin, author of TDebug and TDebug+
TurboPower Software, creators and marketers of great
programming tools.
Keith Shafer, for the file TURSORT.PAS
Tenenbaum and Augenstein, authors of "Data Structures Using
Jim Everingham, author of The Window Manager (Can someone
tell me where Jim is? I owe him some money.)
Marshall Brain and Bela Lubkin, renowned programmers
Marty Moleski, a stimulating conferee
Sammy Mitchell, another stimulating thinker, a great
programmer, and a good friend
Philippe Kahn and Borland International
NCRA, the National Cooperative Refinery Association, my
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 13
Appendix A: WordStar/Turbo Keys in Qfonedit
Because I use the Turbo Pascal editor a great deal, it has
often been convenient for me to configure other programs to
use "Turbo keys" whenever possible. The Turbo Pascal editor
key combinations, in turn, are based on the WordStar word
processor. I have included several Turbo key combinations in
Qfonedit, altho they do not show up on the menus.
The IBM-style keys and their equivalent Turbo key combinations
Tab.............CtrlI or CtrlF
Shift Tab.......CtrlA
Note that not all of the key combinations are "standard" Turbo
keys. Some of these operate by field rather than by word or by
line, so CtrlF moves to the start of the next field and CtrlA
moves to the start of the current or previous field.
Most two-key combinations are not supported, so CtrlY
functions like Turbo's CtrlQ-CtrlY combination, CtrlT like
CtrlQ-CtrlR, etc.
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 14
Appendix B: Block Specifications
The means to specify blocks of lines for the various operations are:
Global Line/Lines Range
Global by Page Page/Pages Marked
Clear X from/thru from/thru X
Defaults X X
Locate X from/thru from/thru X
Move from/thru from/thru X
Print X X from/thru from/thru X
Sort X X from/thru from/thru X
Tidyup X X from/thru from/thru X
passWord X X X
eXchange line&line page&page X X
"from/thru" indicates that the prompts will be for "From
Line:" (or "Page") and "Thru Line:" (or "Page").
"line&line" indicates that the prompts will be "Line:" and
"and Line:". "page&page" indicates similar prompts for page.
"Global by Page" means that each page is operated on
separately, but all pages are operated on. Lines will not be
moved from page to page.
Additionally, Defaults requires that a specification be made
of "Empty lines" or all lines.
Qfonedit: The Qmodem Phone Directory Editor Page 15
Appendix C: TopView and DESQview
Qfonedit will run under TopView, "in a window". In order to
install Qfonedit under TopView, select "Add a Program to Menu"
from the opening TopView menu. From the "Select a Program"
menu, select "Other". When prompted, provide the path to the
directory in which Qfonedit resides. Then when prompted,
provide the "Program Title"--the name TopView will use in
listing Qfonedit on the opening menu--and the "Program Name"--
QFONEDIT.COM. For "Memory Requirements", type 196. After you
hit Enter, TopView will return to the opening menu. There,
select "Change Program Info" and then select Qfonedit. Edit
the screen to change the following information to what is
shown here:
Data Files Location = [ dr:path to QMODEM.FON ]
Program writes directly to screen : n
Program accesses system keyboard buffer : n
Program runs only in the foreground : n
Program uses math coprocessor : n
I am told that the techniques which enable Qfonedit to run in
a TopView window should also enable it to run in a window
under DESQview.